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来源:网络 2013-01-09 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学



  It''s China’s controversial amended traffic rules, where jumping a yellow light will now mean drivers lose six points on their license. But the Ministry of Public Security Department reports the good news that the number of traffic accidents caused by signal violations have dropped sharply after the rules came into effect on Tuesday. Traffic accidents in the capital Beijing were reported to have dropped by 10% on Tuesday from the previous day. But there’s also some bad news. Weibo users have complained that rear-end collisions are up, due to drivers trying to avoid jumping a yellow light. And many drivers have been voicing their frustrations with the new rules.*备受具争议的交通规则修订,现在闯一次黄色光意味着司机驾照将被扣除六分。据公安部门报道,自周二新规则生效以来因交通灯违规造成的交通事故急剧减少。在首都北京,报道称交通事故相比于前一天已经下降了10个百分点。但也有传来一些不好的消息。微博用户抱怨由于司机试图避免闯黄灯造成的追尾事故增加。许多司机被表达他们对新规则的不满。

  The initial impulse among many drivers in China has been to step on the gas when the traffic lights turn yellow, and that’s been the case for a long time.But as the rules have now changed, that type of reaction may cost a driver his or her license. 在很长一段时间内,在*当交通灯转黄灯时,许多司机反应就是加油门。但随着交通规则的修改,这类反应可能要司机付出被扣驾照的代价。

  The revised traffic regulations stipulate that jumping a yellow light will now be treated in the same way as jumping a red light and will mean drivers lose six points from their driver’s licenses -- that’s half the 12-point limit. Previously, only three points were deducted for this type of traffic violation. 修改后的交通规则规定,闯黄灯将当作闯红灯一样来处理,这意味着司机的驾照将被扣除6分,是总分12分的一半。之前,这类的交通违章只扣3分。

  Some think it’s good for traffic safety."I think the revision is not bad. It’s safer for pedestrians and non-motor vehicles if cars and other motor vehicles have to stop at a yellow light." 一些人认为这有利于交通安全。“我认为交通规则修订并不是坏事。如果汽车和其他车辆在黄色时必须停车,行人和非机动车会更安全。”

  But complaints have also been rolling in."It’s really difficult for taxi drivers to follow the new rule. If buses or trucks are in front of us, we can’t see the traffic lights. If they cross an intersection on a green light, which then suddenly turns yellow as we’re crossing, that’s six points just gone!" 但是,抱怨也同样纷至沓来。“对于出租车司机要遵守新规则真的很难。如果公共汽车或卡车在我们眼前,我们看不到交通灯。如果在绿灯时他们穿过交叉路口,然后我们穿过去时突然变成黄色,就要被扣六分!”

  Drivers complain that there will be more rear-end collisions when drivers suddenly brake to avoid jumping yellow lights."If you brake suddenly, it’s more likely the car behind will go into the back of you. So you have to rush through a yellow light."司机抱怨说,当司机为了避免闯黄灯而突然踩刹车会造成更多追尾事故。“如果你突然制动,后面的车可能会撞到你车后面,所以你不得不*通过黄灯。”

  If drivers of small cars have to brake when they see a yellow light and bigger vehicles behind them are still moving, the likelihood is a collision。当看到黄灯时,如果小排量汽车司机刹车了,而后面的大车还在行驶就可能造成碰撞。

  According to the Ministry of Public Security though, if a car has already passed the stop line when the traffic lights turn yellow, this doesn’t constitute a violation of the law. 尽管如此,据公安部表示,但交通灯变为黄灯时如果一辆汽车已经通过了停止线,这并不构成违法。

  Jiang Shan, director-general of Nanning Traffic Police Detachment, said," If it’s not possible for a driver to stop in accordance with the new traffic signal rule, due to considerations of safety, we will assess the situation based on the circumstances of the case." 南宁交通警察分队队长姜山说:“若司机是基于安全考虑,在新的交通信号规则下没法停车,我们将根据事件的情况评测。

  To cope with the revision in the law, some experts have suggested installing a countdown traffic signal to help drivers better assess when they need to stop at traffic lights。为了解决法律的修订,一些建议安装倒计时交通信号,帮助司机在遇到交通信号灯需要停车时作出更好的评估。

  Traffic police are reminding drivers to focus on the road and maintain a safe distance from vehicles in front of them and to slow down when approaching traffic lights. 交通警察提醒司机,当接近交通信号灯是要注意道路,并*持与前面车辆的安全车距


  European Standard 欧洲标准

  Continue to cross only if unable to stop safely 如果不能安全刹车,继续通过

  USA and Canada 美国和加拿大标准

  Stop unless you are so close to the intersection that it is unsafe to do so; the light is about to change to red。除非你离路口太近而不能刹车,否则要停下来。这个灯马上要变成红色了。

交规 黄灯


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