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来源:网络 2013-04-15 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学



  Jeffrey Pfeffer teaches organizational behavior at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. He makes three excellent points about how to move your career forward in a piece for Harvard Business Review:杰弗里-菲佛是斯坦福大学研究生院组织行为学的教授。他在为《哈佛商业评论》撰写的一篇文章中就如何推动个人职业发展提出了3条重点:
  1. Let higher ups know what you’re accomplishing1.让高层*知道你做了些什么
  Don’t assume that anyone — your boss, your peer, or your subordinate — knows the good work you are doing. They are all probably focused on their own jobs and concerns. Do things to let them know。不要总以为你的上司、同事或者下属知道你的工作做得有多好。他们更可能把精力关注在了他们自己的工作和关心的事情上。你应该做些什么来让他们知道。
  2. Shape perceptions of your work, early and often2.尽早并经常性地塑造自己的工作形象
  When it comes to job performance, be it in politics or in a company, perception becomes reality. This implies that you ought to manage your image and reputation as well as your actual work。在工作表现方面,正如在政治或公司管理方面一样,印象会变成现实。这意味着你应该像管理好自己实际的工作表现一样管理好你的形象和声誉。
  It’s important to get started early on this, because perceptions become self-sustaining. This happens, first, because people tend to assimilate new information in ways consistent with their initial perception。这件事必须趁早做,因为印象一旦形成就容易固定。这是因为人们倾向于根据他们*初的印象来接纳新的信息。
  3.If it’s not working, moving on is better than trying harder:3.假如这不管用,略过它比起钻牛角尖更好
  And here’s the corollary: if bosses and colleagues have formed some unfavorable impression of you in your current setting, then find another one. Many people want to “prove” that others are wrong about them — and they may be. But it’s a waste of precious time to fight that uphill battle. Why make heroic efforts to dig out of a hole when the same energy spent elsewhere could make you a star?于是我们得到了如下的推论:假如老板和同事已经在某方面对你形成了不太良好的印象,那么你就该换一个方面树立好印象。很多人妄图“*”别人对自己的看法是错的,或许确实是错的。不过打这样一场攻坚战其实是在浪费宝贵的时间。你为什么非要去挖那个大坑而不是把时间花在其他能够塑造你良好形象的方面呢?
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