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来源:网络 2013-05-13 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学


Taking a new job can be exciting, but also a bit nerve-wracking. You want to do well, stand out, but also be a team player。换工作是件令人激动的事儿,但也会有些伤脑筋。你希望能够表现出色,脱颖而出,但又想一成为一个有团队精神的人。

  Taking a new job can be exciting, but also a bit nerve-wracking. You want to do well, stand out, but also be a team player。换工作是件令人激动的事儿,但也会有些伤脑筋。你希望能够表现出色,脱颖而出,但又想一成为一个有团队精神的人。
  Back in 1995, Times Mirror Company President Al Casey shared some thoughts on what to do and what not to do after you take a new job。早在1995年,时代镜报公司的董事长艾尔·凯西就分享了他关于换工作后该做什么和不该做什么的想法。
  Ex-Googler and venture capitalist Hunter Walk, who got to know Casey a few years before he passed away, dug up Casey''s "do''s and don''ts" and republished it on Scribd。前谷歌员工、风险投资人亨特·沃尔克在凯西去世前就与他相识。他把凯西留下的“行为准则”挖掘出来并发表在了Scribd上。
  Here''s the list, in no particular order。如下所列,没有特定的顺序。
  1.If you want to get ahead in this world become a highly-concerned observer of the passing scene.1.如果你想要走在*的前沿,你应该对那些正在发生的事情*持高度的关注。
  2.LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN — don''t try to show off your knowledge it will become known as you use it — if your mouth is open you are not learning.2.聆听,聆听,还是聆听——不要总想着炫耀你的学识,当你应用它们时别人自会知道。——如果你的嘴总是说个不停,你就学不到什么东西。
  3.Mentally challenge everything — not vocally — particularly the assumptions that are built into the situation.3.在精神上质疑一切——而不是口头上——特别是那些对形势的预设。
  4.Really listen to your peers — get them to like you — they are your best resource.4.真正地听听同事的意见——让他们喜欢你——他们是你*好的资源。
  5.Do all possible to help your boss raise his/her status.5.尽你所能地帮助老板*他/她的地位。
  6.Develop a business plan for every assignment you are given — allocate your time and resources — develop calendar checkpoints. 6.为你被指派的每个任务都做一份商务计划。——分配你的时间和资源——在日程表上设定节点。
  7.Your availability is your most important asset — it should be directed up, down and sideways.7.你的可利用时间是你*重要的财富——它应该被上上下下,前前后后地全面利用起来。
  8.Work at giving the perception and the fact that you are aware of the feelings and goals of others.8.致力于让别人知道你注意到了他们的感受和目的。
  9.On entering a new situation, get an organization chart of your department showing names and responsibilities of your peers — walk the halls and let others see you.9.在进入新的环境时,先获取一份显示了你新同事的姓名和职责的组织结构表——在大厅里走走让其他人看到你。
  10.Ask for help and show that you appreciate it, it is the best way to make friends.10.寻求别人的帮助,并且表达你的感激。这是交朋友*好的方式。
  11.Do not try to impress others by relating your education, travels, or accomplishments — they will all become known in due time.11.不要试图利用你的教育背景、旅游经历或者取得过的成就来给别人留下深刻印象。在适当的时候这些东西总会被知道的。
  12.Do what you say you will do — if you can''t, let that be known. 12.你说了你要做什么就要做到。——如果你做不到,就要及时让别人知道。
  13.Your first assignment is to become a part of the team and not its leader.13.你的个任务就是成为团队的一部分,而不是*者。
  14.Be early and stay late — do not plan any social luncheons for the first six months. 14.早到晚走——前六周就不要安排什么社交午宴了。

职场 员工 新人


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