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来源:网络 2013-08-08 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学


People who are loyal employees tend to earn more, according to the first large-scale study of loyalty and earnings, according to new research. 首次针对忠诚度和收入的大规模研究表明,忠诚的员工往往赚得更多。

People who are loyal employees tend to earn more, according to the first large-scale study of loyalty and earnings, according to new research.
The difference loyalty made to earnings was equivalent to the additional salary given for having an extra year of experience.
Previous research has found that worker loyalty lowers labour turnover costs and improves customer service, but this study claims it benefits employees too.
Michigan State University researchers surveyed 10,800 employees in former socialist countries that introduced capitalist economies in the 1990s.
‘We know that firms realise financial gain from loyal workers, but we wanted to know if they share those benefits with the workers,’ said Susan Linz, lead author and professor of economics at the University.
‘Among the more than 650 workplaces included in our study the answer is yes, they are sharing the wealth,'' she said.
The researchers surveyed employees from 2005 to 2011 in six culturally and economically diverse countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazahkstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Serbia.
Loyalty was measured by workplace seniority; whether the employee would turn down an offer of slightly more money to change jobs; and whether the employee was committed to and engaged with the company.
The findings that worker loyalty was linked to higher earnings came as a surprise to Linz.
Workers were more likely to be loyal if they expected to earn a bonus or learn new skills. In addition, loyalty was higher among employees who expected that doing their job well would result in job security and the feeling that they were accomplishing something worthwhile.
Praise from senior managers, however, was not always positively linked to worker loyalty.
According to the researchers, the findings highlight the importance of managers motivating their workers and knowing which strategies promote loyalty.
‘Managers might have more success by offering the workers a chance to learn new skills, which can contribute to their sense of better job security or desire for more job autonomy, all of which were positively linked to loyalty in our study,’ said Linz.

职场 员工


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