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来源:网络 2012-09-06 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学


《吸血鬼日记》制片人朱莉?普莱克(Julie Plec)向TV Line网站明确表示:达蒙(Damon)在上一季结尾试图 向埃琳娜(Elena)敞开心扉,但是埃琳娜选择了斯特凡(Stefan),使得达蒙的一切努力都化为乌有。

   Damon Salvatore will likely hit the bottle hard on The Vampire Diaries Season 4.And not just in this fun, fan-made video.

   Speaking to TV Line, Vampire Diaries producer Julie Plec made it clear that Damon's attempts to open up last season - which went for naught when Elena chose Stefan - will be a thing of the past when TVD returns in October.

   "Damon is the Damon of Season 1, minus the posturing and posing," Plec previews. "He just is. He is who he is. He’s got attitude. He’s always right. He’s rarely wrong."

   Don't expect this Salvatore sibling to be apologizing for any actions any time soon.

   "This year is going to be very much about, ‘You don’t like me. You want to judge me. You don’t like who I am, how I do things? Well, screw you," says Plec.

   "It’s going to be a great shift for him... He’s still going to be the Damon we know and love - he’s still going to be kicking ass and taking names. But he just has this devil may care attitude about it. He’s just not going to change for anybody anymore. He did that. That’s over. That’s so last year.”

   And this year begins on October 11. Are you excited for the new/old Damon?


   在《吸血鬼日记》第四季中,达蒙•塞瓦托尔(Damon Salvatore)可能要天天酒不离身了。

   《吸血鬼日记》制片人朱莉•普莱克(Julie Plec)向TV Line网站明确表示:达蒙(Damon)在上一季结尾试图 向埃琳娜(Elena)敞开心扉,但是埃琳娜选择了斯特凡(Stefan),使得达蒙的一切努力都化为乌有;而在 《吸血鬼日记》十月回归后,这些都成为过去。

   “达蒙回到了季的状态,只是没了当年的装腔作势,”普莱克透露道。“他本来就是那个样子。达蒙还是达蒙, 有他自己的想法,总是对的,很少犯错。”


   “今年发生的差不多就是这些,‘你不喜欢我,你就是想对我评头论足。你不喜欢真实的我,不喜欢我的处事风格? 好吧,那你就一边玩去。’”普莱克说道。

   “对达蒙来说这是个巨大的转变……他还是我们知道的达蒙,还是我们深爱的那个达蒙——还是那个人杀人不眨眼 的混蛋。他是个很有主见的恶魔,再也不会为任何人做任何改变。虽然过去是这样做的,但是一切都结束了。 那都是去年的老黄历了。”


吸血鬼日记 第四季


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  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
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