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来源:网络 2013-04-27 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学



  Do sugary drinks cause obesity? The US New York State SupremeCourt’s Justice Milton Tingling isn’t convinced. Last month hedismissed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban onoversized soda drinks。
  While we know that sugary drinks are loaded with calories, whichare believed to cause weight gain, many questions remain. Forexample, is diet soda any better? Does the carbon dioxide in fizzydrinks damage our bones? Here are the facts behind some claims madeabout sugary drinks and how they affect our health。
  The claim: Diet soda is better for you than regularsoda。
  The reality: “Diet soda is no panacea”, Lisa R. Young, aprofessor of nutrition at New York University, told The HuffingtonPost。
  Sugar-free doesn’t mean healthy. In fact, the “false sweetness”of diet soda can be quite problematic, according to Young. Thetheory is that the brain mistakenly thinks the sweetness in thedrink means calories are entering the body, triggering metabolicprocesses that can lead to weight gain。
  These studies don’t necessarily prove drinking diet sodaregularly causes health problems, Young cautions, but there’scertainly nothing nutritious about it。
  The claim: Clear soda is healthier than dark soda。
  The reality: While the caramel coloring responsible for thatdark hue can discolor your teeth, Young said, the big differencebetween clear and dark sodas is typically caffeine. Think Coca Colaversus Sprite。
  Since the average can of soda contains less caffeine than a cupof coffee, most soda drinkers probably don’t have to choose CocaCola over Sprite. But if you are nearing the caffeine tippingpoint, it might be a rule worth considering。
  The claim: Carbonated drinks weaken the bones。
  The reality: Research has zeroed in on the link between soda andbone density. A 2006 study found that women who drank three or morecans of Coca Cola a week had a significantly lower bone density.Researchers believe that the reason is phosphoric acid–found moreoften in dark sodas–which acidifies the blood, The Daily Beastreported. The body then “leaches some calcium out of your bones toneutralize the acid”, study author Katherine Tucker told thewebsite。
  Others have suggested that it’s simply the carbonation thathurts bones, but the effect from a single soda is negligible,Popular Science reported。
  The claim: If you need a caffeine boost, choose anenergy drink over coffee。
  The reality: The truth is that soft drinks marketed for energy,such as Red Bull, contain less caffeine than a cup of coffee, butconsiderably more sugar。
  Energy drinks may be easier to drink, but that doesn’t changethe fact that brewed coffee contains between 95 and 200 milligramsof caffeine per eight ounces (227 g), while Red Bull has about 80mg for the same amount, according to US medical research group MayoClinic。
  The claim: A trip to the gym warrants a sportsdrink
  The reality: You’re apt to think you’ll need a sports drinkanytime you break a sweat. But the truth is that your electrolyteand glycogen reserves aren’t depleted until more than an hour ofintensive training. So that 45-minute session on the treadmill?It’s probably not going to require much more than some water。

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