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[双语]好声音 女生更喜欢嗓音低沉的男人

来源:网络 2013-01-16 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学



  hey say that first impressions count, but if you’re a man and you want to make a lasting impression on a woman, apparently all you need is a deep, low-pitched voice to rival Barry White。大家都说印象很重要,但如果你是一位男性,想要给女性留下深刻持续的印象,只要有一把低沉的迷人嗓音就可以啦!美国黑人歌手巴里·怀特的声音就非常性感低沉。

  According to a study from the University of Aberdeen, women are more sensitive towards deeper voices in men and will most likely remember them over guys with a higher pitched tone。根据英国阿伯丁大学的一项研究,和男性相比,女性对低沉的嗓音更加敏感;而比起那些高亢的嗓音来说,女性也更容易因为男人低沉的嗓音而自此记住他们。

  The study, lead by researcher David Smith, observed 45 women who were shown images objects and were read out the name of the object by someone with a low and high-pitched voice。该研究由研究者大卫·史密斯主导,共有45位女性参与到实验中。研究人员为她们展示物品图像,并让人分别用低沉和高亢的嗓音读出物品的名称。

  When asked to recall the objects and which voice they preferred, the deep drawl came up trumps, in both memory and attractiveness。当被要求回忆物品和被问到哪个嗓音更喜欢时,女士们的回答显示,不管是在帮助记忆还是在吸引力方面,慢吞吞的低沉嗓音都更胜一筹。

  According to the findings, the results show that a woman’s memory is enhanced by a low, manly voice and because women rely heavily on memories, it helps them scan the voice tones for genetic superiority when looking for a potential partner。根据研究发现,结果显示低沉的男性嗓音会帮助*女性的记忆力。而因为女性非常依赖记忆作出判断,这也会帮助她们仔细考虑这些声音语调,会在她们选择潜在伴侣时显示出低沉嗓音的优越性。

  David Smith said: "Our findings demonstrate that women''s memory is enhanced by lower pitch male voices, compared with the less attractive raised pitch male voices. 大卫·史密斯表示:“我们的研究发现*,那些女性的记忆力会因为低沉的男性嗓音而有所*,相比之下高音男声则比较缺乏吸引力。”

  "Our experiments indicate for the first time that signals from the opposite sex that are important for mate choice also affect accuracy in women''s memory." “我们的实验次显示,异性释放的信号不仅在配偶选择方面产生重要影响,还有影响女性记忆力的准确性。”

  Is a deep, masculine voice the key to a woman’s heart? “We think this is evidence that evolution has shaped women''s ability to remember information associated with desirable men,” says Dr. Kevin Allen, a supervisor from the study. 低沉的男性嗓音是打开女性芳心的钥匙?这项研究的监督导师凯文·艾伦博士表示:“我们相信这些都是有力的证据,*进化使女性发展具备了记住理想男性相关信息的能力。”

好声音 双语


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