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【口译】新闻时事中英对照 关于苹果的股票

来源:网络 2012-07-05 编辑:PMC_eavy 雅思托福0元试学




    Apple's shares are famously, and somewhat mysteriously, cheap. The company has doubled its earnings per share over the past year but the stock has a below-market valuation. The discount may have to do with consumer technology companies' tendency to enjoy rapid rises and equally fast declines.

  But one Apple product line seems eternally young: Macintosh computers. Thirty years on, it is still growing. Annual revenue has reached $23bn. Computer prices always drop but Macs drop the slowest. Unit sales are marching up. Contrast the product that sparked Apple's renaissance: the iPod. Apple has protected its price but volumes are now in steady decline.

  One might sum up the debate about Apple's prospects and valuation like this: will the iPhone and the iPad (two-thirds of Apple's sales) drink from the fountain of youth, as the Mac has, or prove mortal, like the iPod? Admittedly, Apple has not lost iPod customers, but upgraded them to pricier iPhones. But it is not written that this upgrade pattern is repeatable.

  What gives the Mac line legs? Computers have a slow replacement cycle, making it easier to justify buying a premium product such as a Mac. More important, users get dug in with operating systems, so it is costly to switch.

  The trick is to increase switching costs. It used to be that iTunes kept users where their music was. But now Apple, Google, Amazonand others offer cloud storage services and ways to move files from others' platforms. A strategy of ever-tightening integration between one company's devices may be more promising. If your PC, tablet, phone or whatever is an interoperative bundle, you will tend to replace it with one of the same make (and keep using the services from that manufacturer). Apple is nearly there but it will need to keep pressing: Googlejust rolled out a tablet and home media hub, and made much of how well they work together.





口译 朗阁整理中英对照 新闻时事


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  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
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