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来源:网络 2014-02-18 编辑:pmc_vicky 雅思托福0元试学


1岁时就能一字不差背诵听过的故事,*看的都是五年级读物,用iPad自学西班牙语,医生说她不适合和普通小朋友一起学习玩耍,否则容易得焦虑症……美国*女童Alexis Martin智商超过160,可能已超爱因斯坦。

  A three-year old girl with an IQ above 160 has just become the youngest person in Arizona to be accepted into Mensa.


  In fact, doctor''s said young Alexis Martin did so well on intelligence tests they couldn''t even calculate her IQ score exactly.

  医生说小Alexis Martin 在智商测试中表现优异,事实上他们并不能测出她的准确智商。

  Mensa is an international club which only accepts members who have an IQ score in the top two per cent world wide.


  The average person scores an IQ of approximately 100.


  But when Martin scored 160, the highest possible rating on the test, she matched the IQs of geniuses like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and BIll Gates, who are also thought to be in a similar range.


  Martin''s parents said their little girl had given them signs she might be gifted for a long time.


  ''From 12-18 months old, we''d be driving around in the car and she would recite her bedtime story from the night before,'' her father, Ian, told ABC 15.

  “她12到18个月大我们开车兜风的时候,她就能准确地背诵出前一天晚上我们给她讲的晚安故事。” 她的爸爸伊恩告诉亚利桑那州新闻网站ABC15的记者。

  ''She didn’t just recite them, she recited them exactly.''


  She''s currently consuming books at a 5th grade reading level and even taught herself Spanish on the family''s iPad.


  ''Anytime she learns a word and just picks it up through anything, she never ever uses it in the incorrect context, ever,'' said Ian.

  “每次她学到一个新词都信手拈来,从未使用出错。” 伊恩说道。

  And while her parents are grateful for her intellectual prowess, they are worried about what unique challenges it might give to raising Alexis.

  尽管她的父母对她的天赋心怀感恩,他们还是有点担心在抚养Alexis 长大过程中需要面临的挑战。

  One of the doctors who tested her said Alexis could never go to a normal school and that children with her level of intelligence often suffer from high anxiety unless they''re around similarly gifted boys and girls.


  ''Does she go into kindergarten early? We are kind of hesitant because we do want her to get that social aspect,'' Ian said.




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