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来源:网络 2015-01-26 编辑:Stella 雅思托福0元试学




Arrive on time.


This may be obvious to most people—but some don’t realize that showing up late can not only leave a bad impression, but also throw off your entire day. Getting in on time or a little early helps your mindset for the day and helps promote a feeling of accomplishment.


Take a deep breath.


Many people come into work harried because they don’t leave enough time at home to deal with “home stuff” and then they’ve barely survived another horrendously stressful commute, and then they dive into the madness. Slowing down, taking a moment to pause, and creating a routine around centering yourself can work wonders.


Take five.


After the deep breath, give yourself five minutes to get settled in. This is a good way to set the tone of the day. Don’t allow yourself to be bum rushed by frantic co-workers lost in their own confusion. It’s not unusual to wake up to a long backlog of e-mails just screaming for your attention. The challenge is taking a moment for yourself before diving head first into your day.


Start each day with a clean slate.


You may have to attend to projects or discussions that rolled over from the previous afternoon—but try to treat each day as a fresh one. Leave any crap from yesterday behind, tap into what’s happening at the outset of the day, get organized and ready or hit the ground running, if that’s what is needed.


Don''t be moody.


You’ll want to pay attention to your mood and be aware of its effect on others. First and last thing in the day is when emotional intelligence can have the greatest impact. Your first hour at work can set your ‘attitude barometer’ for the rest of the day, so from a purely emotional point of view, it’s an important part of the day. One morning grump can infect an entire team and put everyone on the wrong footing.


Organize your day.


The first hour of the work day is the best time to assess priorities and to focus on what you absolutely need to accomplish. Too many people get distracted first thing in the morning with unimportant activities such as diving right into their morass of e-mail, when there may be a whole host of more important issues that need dealing with. Make a to-do list, or update the one you made the previous day, and try to stick to it. However, if your boss has an urgent need, then it’s OK re-shuffle your priorities within reason. When you prepare your morning to-do list, determine what must be done today and what can be completed tomorrow, and prioritize accordingly. Also determine your peak working time and plan your schedule accordingly. Use your peak time each morning to do the most important tasks.


Be present.


Even if you’re not a morning person, you need to be awake when you get the office. Especially if you’re in a leadership position, it’s critical to be present, mentally and physically, and to communicate. Taking the time to connect with your team members is essential, and doing the seemingly small things--making eye contact, smiling, asking them about their night, and checking in on what they may need help with--helps you as a leader take the pulse of the team, and helps set the tone for all the employees.


Check in with your colleagues.


A quick 5 to 10 minute team huddle can also be an effective way for many people to start their day. Make it a short meeting, with no chairs, have everyone share their top goal for the day, and share any critical information the rest of the team absolutely needs to know. Doing the huddles helps people focus and more importantly, connects everyone with the team. And by sharing your goals for the day publicly, the odds of achieving them rise substantially.


Don''t be distracted by your inbox.


This one is difficult for most people—but the experts agree that you shouldn’t check your e-mail first thing in the morning. If you do, only read and respond to messages that are urgent. Only respond immediately to the urgent messages so that you control your morning activities. There will be time during the day to respond to the less urgent e-mails.


Ensure that your workspace is organized.


Clearing off the desk and creating a neat workspace sets a tone for the rest of the day. It can also help avoid confusion. Ideally, you’d clear whatever you can out the night before so you can have a fresh start before you e
职场英语 双语工作


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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